Special Export Regime was created to stimulate the development of export chains in the State of São Paulo, ensuring the non-incidence of ICMS (Value Added Tax on Sales and Services) in export operations. This measure relieves the export production chain, preventing the accumulation of ICMS credits in establishments exporting the finished product. The Special Export Regime was introduced in São Paulo legislation through Decree No. 48,957/2004 – ‘Simplified Special Export Regime of the State of São Paulo.’
It is important to clarify that the Special Export Regime did not create any kind of fiscal waiver (there is no commitment to the Fiscal Responsibility Law) since the current ICMS legislation in São Paulo already provides exemption from this tax for goods destined for foreign countries. Thus, with the creation of the Special Export Regime, mechanisms were established to facilitate the control of export operations while preventing the exporting taxpayer from accumulating ICMS credits, which would financially burden the exports.
Dínamo Inter-Agrícola Ltda., a leading service provider for the export of commodities, and Tóliman Transportes Ltda., a transporter specializing in the agribusiness market, make up the Dínamo Group, a Brazilian company that has become a significant player in the country’s export market. Group’s exporting clients can benefit from the Special Export Regime during the Brazilian coffee export process. Even batches of coffee crossing from the state of Minas Gerais to São Paulo can benefit from this ICMS exemption since Dínamo has a REDEX accredited terminal in the Special Export Regime system, allowing the connection between coffee from Minas Gerais and São Paulo.
Special Export Regime made with knowledge and experience.
The quality of Dínamo Inter-Agrícola’s services is certified by important organizations and institutions such as the Coffee Trade Center of the State of Minas Gerais, FDA, BM&F Bovespa, UTZ, and Rainforest Alliance.
Dínamo Inter-Agrícola provides its clients with the most modern equipment for coffee processing, covering all stages from bulk reprocessing to export.
To learn more about the Special Export Regime and other services offered by Dínamo Inter-Agrícola, contact the company’s professionals at (35) 3295-5111 or (13) 3213-1300